Tag: morals

America, the Resilient

Reminiscing seems to go hand in hand with getting older.  When I slow down enough to look at life through the eyes of my children, I see a world vastly different from the one in which I grew up.  As a product of Generation X, my...

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The Catholic Difference

My husband, Mark, and I were sitting next to each other across from an English teacher at the public high school’s parent/teacher conferences.  She and another teacher had just been laughing about something.  Turning to give us...

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How Important is Virtue?

Virtue is understated, underappreciated, under-valuated, and misunderstood.  This is a sad litany for something as important as virtue.  And how important, then, is virtue?  It is as important to the moral life as money is to...

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Daily Quote from Pope John Paul II

Finally, true freedom is not advanced in the permissive society, which confuses freedom with license to do anything whatever and which in the name of freedom proclaims a kind of general amorality. It is a caricature of freedom...

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Because We Love Them So Much

My wife and I are blessed with two wonderful boys, Alex and Ryan, ages 12 and nine.  The catalyst for this article occurred after a recent family birthday celebration.  We went to a nicer restaurant than usual because of the...

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